Category: Science

Impossible Foods in talks with UK farmers to swap lives...

Exclusive: Pat Brown, chief executive of the plant-based meat firm, wants pilot to show economic and climate change benefits of ta...

Sun-like stars may go through brighter phases as they g...

Computer modelling supports the idea that nascent stars brighten dramatically during growth spurts, which could explain an astroph...

Small Jupiter-like planets hint we need to rethink how ...

We thought young gas giant planets would be large and low-density, but the gas giants around a star that is just 20 million years ...

Rare mutation in Old Order Amish people linked to lower...

A genetic mutation may cause lower levels of cholesterol and a blood clotting protein associated with heart disease, and the hope ...

Extremely dense planet with an enormous iron core has a...

A small, dense planet found using the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite is similar to Mercury, with what seems to be an enormo...

Orcas are spreading further into the Arctic Ocean as se...

Orcas – also known as killer whales – used to be unusual visitors to the Arctic Ocean off Alaska, but they are becoming more commo...

Smartphone app can detect hidden camera lenses from ref...

Time-of-flight sensors built into some smartphones can be used to detect the telltale reflections from hidden camera lenses

Ancient Egyptian elites used a thick beer porridge in t...

Centuries before the pharaohs emerged in Egypt, the local elites used a thick porridge-like beer in their ceremonies

Why has the UK been so slow to vaccinate children again...

Compared with other high-income countries, the UK has been slow to approve and roll out covid-19 vaccines to teenagers, prompting ...

Can omicron-specific vaccines arrive fast enough to mak...

Vaccine makers are already adapting vaccines to fight the omicron coronavirus variant, but it will probably already have swept the...

Risso’s dolphins have invented rapid spin-dive techniqu...

A species of dolphin that hunts prey living 600 metres below the surface spins its body as it dives so it can drill down through t...

Extinct New Zealand bird hunted like an eagle and ate l...

The Haast’s eagle had a beak and talons suited for capturing live prey, but its skull was adapted for ripping out organs

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