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Category: Science
How likely are you to get reinfected with the omicron v...
Many people all over the world have now had one infection with covid-19 – how does that affect their future chance of a second rou...
Interrupting sleep after a few minutes can boost creati...
A technique for interrupting the first stage of sleep helps people solve a maths problem – the same approach was used by Thomas Ed...
How likely are you to get reinfected now that omicron i...
Many people all over the world have now had one infection with covid-19 – how does that affect their future chance of a second rou...
Migrating birds may be paler colours to help them keep ...
Overheating is a serious issue for birds flying long distances, and paler plumage that reflects more of the sun's heat may be one ...
Older people who get cataracts removed have lower demen...
People who have cataracts can reduce their risk of developing dementia by about 30 per cent by undergoing surgery to restore their...
Grape seed chemical allows mice to live longer by killi...
A chemical derived from grape seeds selectively destroys worn-out cells in mice, allowing them to live 9 per cent longer than thei...
Omicron looks set to cause a huge wave of covid-19 arou...
It remains unclear whether the omicron coronavirus variant causes less severe disease, but even if it does, hospitals could be ove...
Extreme lack of sea ice in Hudson Bay puts polar bears ...
Sea ice in Canada's Hudson Bay has been unusually late to refreeze, raising fears over the impact on polar bears waiting for sea i...
The way that leaves flutter can reveal when plants need...
Leaves vibrate at a different frequency depending on whether soy plants are under water stress
Investigation fails to replicate most cancer biology la...
The reliability of early-stage cancer biology research is called into question by an investigation that concludes more than half o...
Covid-19 news: Schizophrenia may raise risk of death fr...
The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scien...
Omicron variant may make Christmas party infection risk...
A series of extraordinary superspreader events at festive celebrations across Europe suggests the omicron coronavirus variant dram...