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Category: Technology
Stationary 5G is great, but it isn't ready for all busi...
It's fast, and reports say it's reliable, but stationary 5G isn't for everyone — particularly those who need low-latency connectio...
Meta CEO Zuckerberg predicts the metaverse will be main...
The company formerly known as Facebook sees interoperability as a top priority so users can teleport from world to world and take ...
Learn all you need from this training bundle on Azure, ...
Develop in-demand skills in popular Microsoft services now and switch to a lucrative tech career in 2022.
What is Sony 360 Reality Audio and how does it work?
Sony's 360 Reality Audio is a high-resolution music platform that aims to make the music you listen to more immersive and realisti...
Phishing attack exploits Craigslist and Microsoft OneDr...
A phishing campaign took advantage of the mail relay function on Craigslist, which allows attackers to remain anonymous, Inky says...
You definitely don't want to play: Squid Game-themed ma...
The stakes may not be as high as in the hit Netflix show, but you could still lose your data or identity if you fail to follow the...
How machine learning speeds up Power BI reports
Machine learning delivers insights in Power BI reports—and it enables you to get a large amount of data into your reports to gener...
Best Android phone for 2021: Which one should you buy?
Jack Wallen offers up what he believes are the best Android phones you can buy for the remainder of 2021.
How to help corporate decision-makers become more comfo...
Data fabrics hold the key to unlocking data value. But first, business executives have to understand how fabrics work, and IT need...
How to create planned spontaneity in a hybrid work envi...
Detractors of remote and hybrid work models worry about missing spontaneous collaboration. With some thought, these moments can be...
AI deployments: Is your organization a transformer, pat...
AI-fueled organizations address strategy, operations, culture and change management and ecosystems, according to Deloitte's latest...
New Deloitte report explains how Facebook and all tech ...
Tech companies have to rethink the software development process and other business practices to make ethics a higher priority.