Category: Science

How a pig heart was transplanted into a human for the f...

The first transplant of a pig heart genetically modified for acceptance into human bodies raises hopes for a new solution to donor...

Watch the best ever simulation of stars being born in a...

A computer simulation tracks 9 million years of evolution within a stellar nursery - also known as a giant molecular cloud – in wh...

Ancient Andean leaders may have mixed hallucinogen with...

A concoction of vilca seeds and fermented alcohol may have provided a mild hallucinogenic experience, enabling Wari leaders in Sou...

Covid-19 news: Pandemic rapidly moving towards endemici...

The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scien...

These are the games to look out for in 2022

This year sees no shortage of post-apocalyptic games, but light relief is available courtesy of Star Trek and a robot-loving cat, ...

Unusual anglerfish glows with bioluminescent and fluore...

We already knew that anglerfish have light-generating bacteria in their tissues – now it turns out that one species, the Pacific f...

How bacteria-killing viruses are being used to keep foo...

Bacteria-killing viruses known as phages are increasingly being sprayed on food to keep them free of pathogens, and they could soo...

Huge gas bubble that contains the solar system mapped f...

The solar system lies inside a structure called the Local Bubble some 1000 light years across – and a map of its surface shows it ...

The Large Hadron Collider blips that could herald a new...

Hints of a new particle carrying a fifth force of nature have been multiplying at the LHC – and many physicists are convinced this...

AI makes it possible to simulate 25 billion water molec...

Computer simulations of clouds of atoms and molecules must always trade scale for accuracy, but a new technique shows that both ar...

UK’s largest ichthyosaur fossil was a 10-metre-long ape...

The largest ichthyosaur fossil ever found in the UK has been unearthed in the Rutland Water Nature Reserve

James Webb Space Telescope has finished unfolding its m...

The space telescope has successfully completed a series of crucial steps to achieve full deployment, and will now continue to its ...

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