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Category: Science
US astronomers plan $11 billion telescope to picture an...
A massive report on priorities for the next decade of US astronomy recommends building a telescope that could one day take a pictu...
Homo naledi infant skull discovery suggests they buried...
The partial skull of a Homo naledi child from around 250,000 years ago has been found in a deep, inaccessible cave – suggesting it...
COP26: Countries promise coal phase-out and end to foss...
Canada, the UK and US pledge to stop around $18 billion of finance a year to international fossil fuel projects, while Poland and ...
Brainless sponges have cells that might be the precurso...
Sponges are arguably the simplest animals and they lack a nervous system, but peculiar cells in their digestive chambers may be ev...
Cutting ammonia emissions may be the best way to reduce...
Emissions of ammonia can lead to tiny particles in the air that damage our health, but many countries have no policies on limiting...
COP26 news: Coal phase-out boosts hope for limiting war...
Dozens of countries pledged to phase out coal and others promised to stop funding fossil fuel projects overseas, which helps put t...
Kurzgesagt CEO Philipp Dettmer: 'Everything can be made...
The human immune system is one of the most complex biological systems we know of, and yet most of us never learn how it works or w...
Exercising more often doesn't increase your risk of kne...
Previous research has found conflicting results on a link between exercise and knee arthritis, but now it seems that the amount of...
Nursery web spiders woo mates with food wrapped in chem...
Chemicals in the silk of male nursery web spiders help them attract a mate when used as gift wrap
Vampire bats that live together share a common gut micr...
Vampire bats form tight social groups and even share regurgitated food – and doing so means the bats end up with a similar gut mic...
A new kind of brain scan is letting us understand how t...
Technological advances mean that we can finally tackle an age-old question: what's going on in the minds of children?
Red feathers determine which common waxbill is the boss
For a songbird called the common waxbill, dominance isn't governed by body size, intelligence, or even temperament, but by the int...