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Category: Science
Log4j software bug is 'severe risk' to the entire inter...
A flaw in a commonly used piece of software has left millions of web servers vulnerable to exploitation by hackers
Don’t Look Up review: the funniest climate change movie...
Netflix disaster-satire film Don’t Look Up is a cathartic and hilarious allegory of humanity's hapless efforts to deal with climat...
Baffling 'space cow' explosion was probably a failed su...
A mysterious space explosion dubbed “the Cow” was far brighter and faster than a typical supernova, and new observations suggest i...
The world faces an omicron Christmas but isn’t doing mu...
The festive season will be dominated by a large wave of covid-19 infections caused by the omicron variant, but few countries appea...
A pair of pulsars in a tight embrace have proved Einste...
After monitoring a pair of pulsars in tight orbit around one another for 16 years, astronomers conclude that their behaviour is co...
Thousands of lives being saved as US moves to less-poll...
Almost 8000 fewer lives are being lost to air pollution from vehicle emissions in the US per year, thanks to cleaner engines that ...
Doomsday glacier in Antarctica is coming loose and may ...
Antarctica's Thwaites glacier could break free of the continent within 10 years, which could lead to catastrophic sea level rise a...
The usual way to spray medicine up your nose may not be...
Nasal sprays come with instructions to insert vertically into your nose, but a computer simulation suggests there may be a better ...
Covid-19 news: Two vaccine doses not enough to stop omi...
The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scien...
Pet dogs respond to an average of 89 distinct words or ...
A survey of dog owners has concluded that the average pet can respond to 89 words or phrases, with some dogs responding to 215
We’ve seen our galaxy’s huge black hole more clearly th...
Astronomers have observed Sagittarius A* – the supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy – closer than ever before, and ...
Robotic hand can crush beer cans and hold eggs without ...
A robot hand that has the lightness of touch to hold delicate objects and the strength to crush cans could one day be used as a pr...