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Category: Science
Covid-19 news: New variant found in France doesn’t seem...
The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scien...
Swimming in a school may help fish hear dolphins’ ultra...
Models suggest the arrangement of American shad in a shoal amplifies the ultrasonic clicks that dolphins use to hunt, helping the ...
Can Elon Musk and Tesla really build a humanoid robot i...
The car company’s expertise in AI could help it design a working prototype, but delivering a reliable product on schedule will be ...
The best science books coming your way in 2022
A new glut of non-fiction books promises to inspire us to discover the world - and protect
Two years of covid-19: What we’ve learned during the pa...
It's now been two years since Chinese authorities first informed the World Health Organization about an unknown virus in Wuhan. Ho...
2022 preview: Will the global computer chip shortage ev...
The growing demand for computer chips, used in everything from cars to fridges, has collided with the effects of the coronavirus p...
2021 in review: 'Right to Repair' campaigners claim iPh...
Groups campaigning for electronics manufacturers to make it easier for people to repair their own devices scored a surprise victor...
The mummy of Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep I has been digi...
Amenhotep I ruled Egypt from around 1525 to 1504 BC and his pristine mummy has never been unwrapped, but CT scans have now allowed...
Dolphins may communicate by changing the volume of thei...
Common bottlenose dolphins identify themselves with a unique call, but these whistles may carry extra information through variatio...
Will 2022 be the year we start taking online privacy se...
Governments are drafting new laws to protect your privacy online, but are people even that bothered about companies using their da...
Australia’s bilbies and bettongs bounce back in predato...
Conservationists are reintroducing threatened mammals to their former ranges with fences to keep out cats and foxes
2022 preview: A round-up of the year's most exciting sp...
Around a dozen missions to the moon are scheduled in 2022, along with a rover landing on Mars and a spacecraft headed to in-vestig...