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Category: Health
HPV Vaccine Could Shifts Rates of Non-Cervical Cancers
The impressive data on how HPV vaccination has cut cervical cancer rates tells only part of the story of how many other lives coul...
CDC to Recommend You Wear Better Masks as Omicron Sprea...
Meanwhile, WHO officials stressed that global vaccine distribution is first priority in defeating the highly-contagious Omicron va...
Why Getting COVID on Purpose Is a Dangerous Idea
There's a lot of chatter out there asking, ‘If we're all going to get COVID, why not just get it over with now?’ There are a coupl...
Teens On Social Media Too Much? What Experts Want You t...
While there are positive aspects to social media, there's evidence it can pose risks to teens' mental health.
Supreme Court Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate for Business...
But the justices voted 5-4 to allow a similar mandate for health care workers remain in place while lawsuits against it move throu...
More Folks Drive High When Pot Made Legal
New research finds that along with the legalization of marijuana, more people are driving intoxicated leading to more crashes.
Biden: More Masks, COVID Tests, and Troops to Battle Om...
The president announced three strategies to protect Americans during the Omicron surge.
Nonprofit Addresses Health Equity by Providing Safer Su...
Smile Train is addressing cleft palate around the world and trying to ensure no one’s circumstances limit their health outcomes.
More Olive Oil May Bring Longer Life
People who consume more than 1/2 a tablespoon of olive oil a day are less likely to die from heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerat...
From ‘Go Bags’ to Evacuation Routes, Prepare for a Disa...
The unfortunate reality is that natural disasters strike year round and often. Here’s how to ensure your family is ready.
Will Smith’s Personal Trainer on Getting in the Best Sh...
Will Smith’s Personal Trainer Aaron Ferguson shares how to get in the best shape of your life as you start off the new year.
Swab Nose, Throat, or Both for COVID-19 Rapid Tests?
Rapid antigen tests for COVID-19 come with instructions to swab the nose only. Would adding a throat sample boost the accuracy?