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Category: Health
How to Support Someone Who Has Coronary Artery Disease
Here are some ways to help when a partner, family member, or close friend has been diagnosed with heart disease.
Young People Recover Quickly From Rare Heart Side Effec...
Myocarditis is a rare but serious condition that's most often triggered by an infection and/or inflammation caused by a virus.
CrossFit Steps Into Primary Health Care Realm
The idea of blending health care with fitness has been intensifying in recent years. CrossFit's announcement is just the latest sa...
Canada Aims to End Ban on Blood Donations from Gay, Bis...
The end of Canada’s ban on gay and bisexual men from donating blood based on sexual orientation alone may soon be history.
'Magic Mushroom' Drug Edges Toward Mainstream Therapy
Psychedelic therapy focused on psilocybin has received new interest as a potential treatment against anxiety, depression and other...
Seaweed Extract Stops COVID in Early Testing
As scientists hunt for alternatives for people who can't access vaccines for COVID-19, they are searching underwater in unexpected...
Could Viagra Help Prevent Alzheimer's?
researchers found that those taking Viagra were 69% less likely to develop Alzheimer's, when compared to non-users. And lab experi...
Most Dog Breeds Are Highly Inbred -- and Unhealthy
A new study confirms that most dog breeds are now highly inbred, increasing a dog's risk of health problems.
Clean the Christmas Tree and Keep It Toxin-Free
Whether a Christmas tree is real or artificial, there is plenty you can do to reduce the chance that it will trigger an allergy or...
How a Viral Hand Gesture Is Helping Abuse Survivors
In April 2020, the Toronto-based Canadian Women's Foundation launched the “signal for help,” a hand gesture that has led to the re...
Breast Cancer: Test Reveals Who Can Skip Chemo After Su...
For decades, chemotherapy has been used after breast cancer surgery when the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes.
When Grief Doesn’t Go Away
Sometimes grief over the death of a loved one can cut so deep so that it’s hard to get over your mourning. That’s especially true ...