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Are vegan meat alternatives putting our health on the l...
Veganism is typically equated with healthy eating, but today’s factory-produced fake bacon, sausages and burgers could be tarnishi...
Covid-19 news: Test and Trace has not achieved its goal...
The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scien...
NHS trial will test AI diagnosis with eye scans from 15...
AI firms will be given access to eye scans to see if they can diagnose retinopathy, but all of the data will remain on NHS-owned s...
Jonas Brothers to be roasted in Netflix comedy special
The Jonas Brothers are set to get roasted.
Megan Thee Stallion celebrating college graduation
Megan Thee Stallion is looking forward to her forthcoming college graduation.
Pandemic impact on jobs, worse than expected: ILO
The jobs recovery is stalled worldwide and disparities between advanced and developing economies threaten the whole global economy...
Act swiftly and with determination on Afghanistan, UN c...
Countries must unite and act urgently to secure stability in Afghanistan, and a better future for its people, UN Secretary-General...
No longer in preview, Microsoft Azure Purview is ready ...
Microsoft's data classification tool is now out of preview. We talked to Microsoft's Mike Flasko about its future.