News & Updates Hub

Strongest evidence yet that MS is caused by Epstein-Bar...

A huge study of US military personnel suggests almost all cases of multiple sclerosis are triggered by the common Epstein-Barr vir...

Animal decline is hurting plants' ability to adapt to c...

Declines in birds and mammals are hampering plants by curbing the dispersal of their seeds, in a "clear intersection of the biodiv...

Organic compounds on Mars were produced by water and ro...

Molecules containing carbon atoms, called organics, have been found all over Mars and could hypothetically have been formed by liv...

UN releases $150 million for underfunded humanitarian c...

About $150 million from the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), the largest allocation ever, was released on Th...

Supreme Court Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate for Business...

But the justices voted 5-4 to allow a similar mandate for health care workers remain in place while lawsuits against it move throu...

More Folks Drive High When Pot Made Legal

New research finds that along with the legalization of marijuana, more people are driving intoxicated leading to more crashes.

Biden: More Masks, COVID Tests, and Troops to Battle Om...

The president announced three strategies to protect Americans during the Omicron surge.

WHO recommends two new drugs to treat patients with COV...

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended on Thursday two new drugs to treat patients with COVID-19, one for patients with c...

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