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12-year-old Russian tennis prodigy has 'incredible pote...

Ksenia Efremova hadn't even turned three years old and her mother already had the feeling her daughter was destined to become a st...

Acquire highly paid certified Cisco skills on your own ...

There's nothing like have great certifications for built-in job security, and now you can learn the skills you need to gain highly...

Robot piloted by a ball of algae is powered by photosyn...

By placing a marimo, a naturally forming ball of algae, inside a plastic shell, researchers have created a robot that can move thr...

Hottest team in the NBA right now? Grizzlies make it 11...

Is Memphis the NBA's hottest team right now?

God Of War Review – Reaching A Higher Summit

Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment Developer: Santa Monica Studio Release: April 20, 2018 (PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4), J...

'Ray Donovan: The Movie' gives the show another crack a...

Two years after its abrupt cancellation without an actual ending, "Ray Donovan" gets the chance to clean up another mess with "Ray...

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