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At G20, UN chief calls for global leadership towards fu...
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Saturday called on G20 leaders to step up efforts to ensure the global recove...
Alec Baldwin speaks out about Halyna Hutchins and guns ...
Alec Baldwin told the paparazzi he is not allowed to talk about the details of the shooting that occurred on the set of his latest...
This heist thriller is a prequel to 'Army of the Dead' ...
For Halloween weekend, the prequel to Zack Snyder's "Army of the Dead" may not be awash with zombies and gore, but that doesn't me...
Mitigate climate risks, build resilience, UN chief says...
Although sea level rise could put more than 800 million people in coastal cities at direct risk by 2050, less than 10 per cent of ...
Trump’s real-estate empire pays the price for poisonous...
(Reuters) – Former U.S. president Donald Trump’s slashing rhetorical style and divisive politics allowed him to essentially take o...
Past 7 years set to be warmest on record, sea level at ...
Record greenhouse gas concentrations have pushed the planet into uncharted territory, with repercussions likely for current and fu...