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REvil ransomware group reportedly taken offline by mult...
Law enforcement officials and cyber specialists hacked into REvil's network, gaining control of some of its servers, sources told ...
The No. 1 Cause of Halloween Injuries: Carving the Pump...
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says pumpkin carving is the leading cause of injuries associated with Halloween.
COVID Pandemic May Have Driven a Flu Strain Into Extinc...
One of the four flu strains -- B/Yamagata -- included in annual flu shots appears to have fallen off the radar.
Here are some of the cutest robots ever created
We’ve come a long way since the mechanical bots of Batteries Not Included, Short Circuit and other classic 80s science fiction.Pos...
Promising radio signal isn’t aliens, just human-generat...
The Breakthrough Listen project detected radio waves that seemed to be the best candidate yet for an alien signal, but it turns ou...
Haunting lemur songs have a rhythm similar to human mus...
Human music often has a natural rhythm to it, and the roots of that rhythm might stretch back to the ancestors we shared with indr...
Hundreds of ancient ceremonial sites found in southern ...
Researchers have uncovered 478 ceremonial sites that were probably built by the Olmec and the Maya thousands of years ago
Fuel Cells in Brain Can Also Release Damaging Toxins
The brain cells that nourish neurons also release toxins that can destroy the very cells they feed, leading to neurodegenerative d...
Why Are Cases of Pancreatic Cancer Rising in Young Wome...
If the current trend continues, researchers say pancreatic cancer among women aged 15 to 34 could grow to 400% of that experienced...
CDC Director Encourages Halloween Trick-or-Treating
Families can celebrate Halloween this year amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Rochelle Walensky, MD, director of the CDC, said Su...
UN chief calls for China commitment to ‘ambitious’ clim...
The UN Secretary-General on Monday called on China to present an “ambitious” Nationally Determined Contribution in the run-up to t...