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COP26 opens in Glasgow with calls for ambitious solutio...

The eyes of the world are on Glasgow, Scotland, as the United Nations climate summit known as COP26 opens with UN diplomats and po...

Smart scheduling for big computing tasks cuts emissions...

We could slash emissions from database backups or long machine-learning tasks by waiting to run them until renewable energy makes ...

Barn owls make mental maps of their surroundings while ...

Neurons that help humans make mental maps, called place cells, have now been seen in flying birds for the first time

Java, microservices, Docker and Kubernetes: Learn to us...

If companies get too far behind the curve when adapting to cloud infrastructure, they are giving competitors an unnecessary edge. ...

Brazilian senators recommend Bolsonaro be charged with ...

Brazilian senators have recommended President Jair Bolsonaro be charged with 10 crimes, including crimes against humanity, allegin...

What’s next now Tesla is worth a trillion dollars?

Financially speaking, Tesla is a massive success. The question is what will it do with all that money, wonders Rowan Hooper

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