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'Insecure's' Yvonne Orji is going to miss Molly too
Yvonne Orji has some words of wisdom for the character she plays for the upcoming fifth and final season of "Insecure."
Sperm quality has been declining for 16 years among men...
Data from 170,000 semen analyses performed in the US between 2005 and 2021 reveals a worrying decline in sperm quality
Lab-grown human mini-brains kept alive for a year by sl...
Human mini-brains grown in the lab soon die because oxygen and nutrients can’t penetrate to their core, but if they are sliced thi...
Dinosaurs lived in herds 40 million years earlier than ...
We thought large plant-eating dinosaurs began to herd about 150 million years ago, but now we know the behaviour goes back at leas...
A device designed to detect disease from exhaled breath takes devices beyond alcohol measurement.
Women in leadership ‘must be the norm’, Security Counci...
We can no longer exclude half of humanity from international peace and security matters, the UN chief told the Security Council on...
ServiceNow's new messaging service aims to help organiz...
With the new messaging service, customers can use SMS and WhatsApp to communicate directly with businesses.
Indigenous boys' drowning prompts allegations over ille...
The drowning of two young boys in a river in the Brazilian state of Roraima has local community leaders asking if illegal mining p...
AlmaLinux: What it is and how to use it
Frustrated with CentOS? Your business can depend on AlmaLinux.
Gun violence rose 30 per cent in the US during the covi...
Gun violence rose overall in the US during the covid-19 pandemic. The highest increase was seen in Minnesota, while Alaska had a d...