News & Updates Hub

Number of Teens Who Vape Marijuana Doubled in 7 Years

New research reveals about 1 in 8 North American teenagers have vaped pot within the last year, and nearly 1 in 10 within the past...

Trader Joe's Salami Snacks Tied to 20 Salmonella Cases ...

CDC: Citterio Premium Italian-Style Salame Sticks, sold primarily at Trader Joe's, have been linked to a salmonella outbreak with ...

Opinion: Lock Them All Up. Trump’s DOJ Violated U.S. La...

Anyone remotely aware of Trump’s, or any of his surrogates’, crimes is required by law to alert the proper authorities.

Scientists develop sensor to save children from hot car...

Scientists in Canada have developed a sensor that detects and raises the alarm when children or pets are left alone in a car.

Ethiopia: UN forced to abort humanitarian aid flight in...

A UN humanitarian aid flight destined for the capital of the Tigray region in northern Ethiopia, was forced to return to Addis Aba...

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