Urgent action needed to protect Vietnamese workers trafficked to Serbia

Urgent action is required to assist and protect some 400 Vietnamese migrant workers who were allegedly trafficked to Serbia, experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council said on Friday. 

Urgent action needed to protect Vietnamese workers trafficked to Serbia

Urgent enactment is required to assistance and support immoderate 400 Vietnamese migrant workers who were allegedly trafficked to Serbia, experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council said connected Friday. 

Eight companies, including Vietnamese labour recruitment agencies and Chinese operation firms registered successful Serbia, person reportedly been implicated successful superior quality rights abuses, they said, citing accusation received.  

The experts person written to the businesses and are besides successful interaction with authorities successful the 3 countries.  

Appalling conditions 

“We are profoundly acrophobic that these migrant workers whitethorn person been trafficked for purposes of forced labour, and person been surviving and moving successful appalling conditions successful Serbia, astatine superior hazard to their lives and health,” they said successful a statement. 

They were besides disturbed by allegations that civilian nine groups wanting to assistance the workers person not been allowed entree to them. 

The experts urged the Governments of Serbia, Viet Nam and China to guarantee that businesses based successful their territory, oregon operating nether their jurisdiction, respect the quality rights of each workers. 

“This includes not lone the businesses who trust connected migrant labour but besides labour recruitment agencies,” they said. 

Duty to protect 

Regulation and monitoring of labour recruitment agencies is besides captious to efficaciously forestall trafficking for the purposes of forced labour, they added. 

The experts reminded governments of their work to support against business-related quality rights abuses. 

Countries indispensable besides instrumentality due steps to guarantee victims person entree to justness and effectual remedies, and to guarantee ongoing assistance and protection, including against forced return. 

They besides highlighted the obligations of businesses to workout owed diligence successful ensuring that the rights of each workers are protected, without discrimination, recognising the peculiar needs and rights of migrant workers. 

Independent experts 

The 8 quality rights experts who issued the connection person their mandates from the UN Human Rights Council, located successful Geneva. 

They show and study connected circumstantial issues of planetary concern, which see trafficking successful persons, modern forms of slavery, the quality rights of migrants, and implementation of UN principles connected concern and quality rights. 

The experts run successful their idiosyncratic capableness and are neither UN unit nor are they paid for their work. 

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