Nicolás Maduro Fast Facts
Read CNN's Fast Facts about the life of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro.

(CNN)Here's a look astatine the beingness of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro.
Birth date: November 23, 1962
Birth place: Caracas, Venezuela
Birth name: Nicolás Maduro Moros
Father: Nicolás Maduro García
Mother: Teresa de Jesús Moros
Marriage: Cilia Flores
Children: Nicolás Jr.
Other Facts
Worked arsenic a autobus operator for Caracas Metro and belonged to the transit union.
Maduro campaigned for Hugo Chavez's merchandise from situation for the 1992 attempted coup to overthrow President Carlos Andres Perez.
After Chavez's release, Maduro helped him recovered the governmental enactment Fifth Republic Movement.
1999 - Maduro is elected to the National Constituent Assembly, the assemblage convened to draught a caller constitution.
2000 - Is elected to the National Assembly, the country's legislative subdivision of government
2005-2006 - Serves arsenic Speaker of the National Assembly.
2006-2013 - Serves arsenic overseas minister.
October 12, 2012 - Is selected by Chavez to service arsenic vice president.
December 9, 2012 - Facing his 4th country for cancer, Chavez endorses Maduro to win him.
April 14, 2013 - Wins the statesmanlike predetermination by less than 2 percent points. Maduro's opponent, Henrique Capriles Radonski demands a recount.
September 30, 2013 - Maduro announces connected state-run TV that helium is expelling 3 US diplomats. He claims they were progressive successful a wide powerfulness outage earlier successful the month. "Get retired of Venezuela," helium says, listing respective names. "Yankee spell home. Enough abuses already."
February 12, 2014 - Ongoing pupil protests pull planetary attraction erstwhile 3 radical are killed. Major societal and economical problems person fueled the protests, with immoderate blaming the authorities for those problems.
February 20, 2014 - Venezuela revokes property credentials for CNN journalists successful the state and denies them for different CNN journalists entering the country, pursuing Maduro's announcement that he would expel CNN if it did not "rectify" its sum of anti-government protests, calling it warfare propaganda.
February 21, 2014 - Maduro calls for US President Barack Obama to "accept the challenge" of holding nonstop talks with Venezuela.
February 22, 2014 - Venezuela reissues property credentials for CNN journalists successful the country.
January 15, 2016 - Following the merchandise of years of economical data, Maduro declares a authorities of economical emergency.
May 1, 2017 - Maduro announces that helium has signed an enforcement order paving the mode for changes successful the constitution that volition reshape the legislature and redefine his enforcement powers.
May 13, 2016 - Maduro declares a law authorities of emergency, which expands connected the economical exigency helium declared successful January.
October 30, 2016 - Maduro participates successful talks with governmental opponents for the archetypal clip successful 2 years.
July 30, 2017 - An predetermination is held to regenerate the National Assembly with a caller pro-Maduro legislative assemblage called the National Constituent Assembly. Amid clashes betwixt constabulary and protestors, astatine slightest six radical are killed. Although Maduro claims victory, absorption leaders accidental the ballot is fraudulent.
July 31, 2017 - The US Treasury Department sanctions Maduro's assets and bars US citizens from dealing with him. This comes a time aft elections are held for a caller lawmaking body.
January 24, 2018 - Announces helium volition tally for reelection.
August 4, 2018 - Several drones equipped with explosives alert towards Maduro successful an evident assassination effort during a subject parade. The adjacent day, the interior curate announces that six radical person been arrested successful transportation with the attack. Maduro is not injured.
September 8, 2018 - The New York Times reports concealed meetings betwixt US officials and Venezuelan subject officers readying a coup against Maduro. CNN confirms the report, which describes a bid of meetings implicit the people of a year.
September 25, 2018 - The United States imposes sanctions connected Maduro's woman and 3 different members of his interior circle, arsenic an effort to weaken his grip connected power.
September 26, 2018 - Maduro speaks astatine the UN General Assembly, calling the humanitarian situation successful his state a "fabrication." He accuses the United States and its Latin American allies of "trying to enactment their hands successful our country."
January 10, 2019 - Maduro is sworn successful for his 2nd term, though astir antiauthoritarian countries successful the portion garbage to admit him arsenic president. The Organization of American States says its subordinate nations voted 19-6, with 8 abstentions, to not admit the legitimacy of Maduro's government.
January 23, 2019 - Juan Guaido, who leads the National Assembly, declares himself the interim president amid anti-government protests. Following Guaido's announcement, US President Donald Trump says that the United States recognizes him arsenic the morganatic president. Maduro accuses the United States of backing an attempted coup and gives US diplomats 72 hours to permission the country.
April 30, 2019 - During a unrecorded televised address, Maduro claims troops loyal to him defeated a "coup-de-etat attempt" by Trump and nationalist information advisor John Bolton. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tells CNN that Maduro had been preparing to depart the state via airplane, but Russians convinced him to stay. A spokeswoman for the Russian overseas ministry says Pompeo's assertion is false.
July 4, 2019 - The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights publishes a study highly captious of the Maduro regime. Based connected probe conducted January 2018 to May 2019, the study "highlights patterns of violations straight and indirectly affecting each quality rights." Responding a fewer days later, Maduro says the study contains manipulations and inaccurate data.
March 26, 2020 - The Justice Department announces narco-terrorism and different transgression charges against Maduro and elder leaders from his government. Federal prosecutors successful New York's Southern District, Miami and Washington, DC, allege the officials are the leaders of the alleged Cartel de los Soles and coordinate with the Colombian rebel radical FARC to postulation cocaine to the United States.
May 4, 2020 - In a unrecorded code connected authorities television, Maduro reports that 2 American "mercenaries" person been apprehended aft a failed coup effort to seizure and region him. He identifies the captured Americans arsenic Luke Denman, 34, and Airan Berry, 41. He shows what helium claims are the US passports and driver's licenses of the men, on with their ID cards from Silvercorp, a Florida-based information services company. On August 8, the men are sentenced to 20 years successful prison.
July 24, 2021 - During an interrogation with Venezuela's state-run television, Maduro says helium is acceptable to unfastened negotiations with the Venezuelan absorption successful August.
October 16, 2021 - Venezuela suspends on-going negotiations with the absorption pursuing the Cape Verde extradition of Colombian businessman Alex Saab, alleged financier to Madura, to the United States connected wealth laundering charges.
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