Fire damages residence for students

Fire damages Augustana residence for students
An Augustana College-owned location for students was severely damaged by occurrence Wednesday, Rock Island Fire Marshal Greg Marty said.
The occurrence was reported soon earlier 3 p.m. astatine 730 34th St.
Marty said crews arrived connected the country to find dense occurrence connected the 2nd level of the residence. The occurrence had dispersed to a finished 3rd floor, helium added.
The location is utilized to location 8 Augustana students, Marty said. None were successful the residence astatine the clip of the fire, and nary injuries were reported.
The location is 1 of the older homes successful the country converted to location students.
Electronic records of the Rock Island County Assessor’s Office bash not accidental erstwhile the location was built oregon erstwhile Augustana College purchased the home.
The gathering has been deemed uninhabitable, and each students were relocated for the remainder of the term, Marty said.
The origin of the occurrence remained nether probe precocious Wednesday.
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