Ceiling collapses due to heavy rainfall

FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) - The dense rainfall crossed South Florida resulted successful a ceiling collapsing successful a Fort Lauderdale flat building.
The incidental happened on the 300 artifact of Southwest 19th Street, astatine astir 1 a.m., Friday.
“Water started pouring connected my caput from the ceiling,” said Keia Jones, who lives successful the apartment. “I woke my fellow up and I was like, ‘Bae, get up due to the fact that it’s a batch of h2o coming from the ceiling.’ Seconds aft I got him up, it caved in. I mean, we virtually had to leap retired of the way. He had to leap retired of the furniture and I had to leap back, it was a large crash. The full ceiling fell.”
Some areas received 4 to six inches of rain.
Additional showers are expected connected Friday.
Jones said the American Red Cross has stepped successful and offered help.
“It’s a disaster,” said Keia’s fellow Jeffery Clark. “There’s thing we tin do. Everything is ruined. All of our apparel are ruined. Red Cross came to assistance america but we person nary transportation.”
She besides said she called her landlord but has not yet received a response. Jones has been surviving successful the flat for 2 years.
Jones said her flat conscionable passed a gathering inspection.
“We conscionable had inspection 2 days ago,” she said. “I passed inspection and past this happened and I’m like, ‘Wow.'”
Some residents said the absorption is present cleanup and that if they don’t bash it themselves, it won’t get done.
A flood advisory was issued for parts of Broward County but has since expired.
Parts of Broward and Miami-Dade counties stay flooded.
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